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Created with Raphaël 2.2.029Jun2814108712May1110cleanupmastermastermergefixed testsJUnit4 tests check-inadded factory classes and fixed structureJUnit4 tests check-inadded factoryclasses and implemented new structuremerge from dev into masterimplemented findAllById()fix: Issue #2 and #3 implemented new DataRepository and fixed LogicImpldeleted old files and added new onesadded implementation in DataRepositoryImplfix: Issue #1 - refactored project structure to seperate logic from business objectsfix: Issue #4 - changed list to iterable to prevent manipulating orderchanged igextracted datarepositoryimpl from datarepostitoryfixed structureadded new functionalityadded new Applicationremoved unused filesremoved text filesadded DataAccessImpl and MockDataBuilderImpladded basic functionsadded DataRepositoryadded DataAccess logicmoved DataAccess in new package and updated importscreated new packagefix: changed argument in print orders to prevent manipulating the list objectpricetablealten Stand wiederhergestelltadded git_diff and git_logchanged price table to normal priceadded price table and selected discountcreate orders in mocksecond commitinitial commit